Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Head to Head - NBA Games

In the world of sports games, there are a few certainties. Pro Evo will always be better than FIFA, Madden will always exist long after the man himself dies and no-one will buy a baseball game no matter how good it is. However the unknown quantity and real competition every year is the NBA game. So is 2008 the year for 2K or EA?

The short answer, EA. The long answer is all Electronic Arts. Having played the 2 demos I found that NBA 2k8 is hard to follow and quite tedious while NBA Live 2008 is a lot more fun and fluid as well as much faster.

I'll talk about Alton Towers later and why its so necessary to go during term time.

Oh, and Zero Punctuation is all about Manhunt this week. Another case of him being nice (or at least forgiving) about a game.

You Don't Know Jack Episode 29
Score: $6,725

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