Wednesday, September 12, 2007

250 Titles - Microsoft At TGS '07

So the Tokyo Game Show is officially started. Here's my thoughts on Microsoft's showing at their press conference.

1) Lost Odyssey
Square have really started throwing their weight behind the 360 now and the machine has a buttload of excellent looking RPGs coming out. Lost Odyssey looks to be one of them, no word yet on how it plays but if its half as good as the trailer says then this will be a system seller. Having Nobou Uematsu on the music team will help no end.
Release - 6th December in Japan, February in Europe and January in America.

2) Halo 3
*yawn* Nothing to say that hasn't been said many, many, many, many times.
Release - 25th September with free Xbox Live Gold for the 3 days after launch

3) Project Gotham Racing 4
No new trailer, but a hard release date
Release - 11th October

4) Atsumare! Pinata
Nice to have what I think is a new Viva Pinata game.
Release - December

5) Ace Combat 6
Time for the 360 to print money. The japanese love their Ace Combat.
Release - 1st November

6) Gundam Operation Troy
Yep, Gundam prints money.
Release - TBA

7) Beautiful Katamari
Lack of exclusivity will hurt this one, if the Wii gets it then the others will be left out in the cold.
Release - October

8) Dynasty Warriors 6
Hack, slash, yawn.
Release - November

9) Devil May Cry 4
Pick a platform for this one, it'll either sell PS3's or 360s.
Release - 2008

10) Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja. Now there's a selling point.
Release - TBA

11) Xbox Live Arcade
This was the bit that killed. XBLA will be raking in the cash next year. Shmup legends Every Extend, Ikaruga, Omega Five and Trigger Heart will be joined by one of the PSP's good games Exit. That'll sting for Sony.

12) Rez HD
Its an XBLA game, but having Rez back in the present is a great thing for all involved.

13) Infinate Undiscovery
New Square Enix IP here, as is...

14) The Last Remnant
Another new IP. Square looks to really be going for it.

So there we are. 12 new games in total, a bunch of XBLA games and Square's performance alone makes me feel very good about owning a 360.

Microsoft are looking to show a new reliance on RPGs that will really aid the 360 in Japan, whether they're any good yet remains to be seen but the line-up is incredibly strong.

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