Tuesday, May 17, 2005

E3 2005 - Sony Press Conference

It hit. The PS3 announcement. Spring 2006 is the expectation and the controller is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. At least when you throw it away it'll come back. They pinched the font used for the Spiderman films for the Playstation 3 text on the front too. So what's caught my eye about the PS3 then?

- The controller looks even worse than the original Xbox controller. The PS2 controller was so comfortable. Why change it now? I can't see a second shoulder button on it either.

- The design. It looks like an Xbox 360 without the green.

- The games. These are the important bits and only a few caught my eye. Eyedentify looks extremely promising as does the new Gundam game. Ni-Oh gains a lazy 'meh' as does Tekken 6.

Microsoft also had their press conference today but we learnt nothing more than we were told at the 360 event last week. Nintendo are still to come today I think and their big hitter is plastered on the stairs joining each of the 4 halls. For more check out the Photopax at E3Insider.com

Also check out G4's lame ass jeep in an attempt to gain some credibility.

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