Sunday, May 29, 2005

Alone With My Thoughts

And we all know how dangerous that is.

Anyway, off to Gloucester for half-term. I got a broadband connection superior to mine and apparantly Emma (my eldest sister) has a proper hard DDR pad so I'll have that to keep me busy. I'm also taking most of my Gamecube stuff so I can show my brother a thing or 2. If you think its pointless taking my controller when my brother has 4 already then you don't know how superstitious I am when it comes to controllers. I will usually only concede to being player 2/3/4 if I've got an official controller. In my opinion though, player 3 is the new player 1. I'm also taking my memory card as there are a few games we both have (and I'm taking my favourites over anyway).

So overall this is all gonna be packed into my bag (the black and red Jeep bag I'm always seen with)

Pants (no spotted ones)

Gaming Stuff
GC Memory Card
GC Official Controller
Mario Party 4
Sega Soccer Slam
Tales of Symphonia
F-Zero GX
Wave Race Blue Storm
Lost Kingdoms

Princess Mononoke (I will watch it eventually)

System of a Down - Mesmerize
Compilations 01+02

Phone and Charger
Lucky Dice
PC Gamepad

I'm probably gonna have to override my Dad's copy of Norton to get on Badjojo too.


James K said...

Yep, that's right, he has brought NO SPOTTY PANTS!

NJ said...

I don't think I've ever had a pair of spotty pants. Not black and white ones anyway. I've got a pair of stripey black and white ones but they don't quite fit.