Tuesday, March 06, 2007

School Report

An interesting activity is to find old school reports and see if you've changed since then. I don't mean from 3-4 years ago, I mean the primary school stuff. Your first few years of education. I found one like that today.

The school is St Thomas Cantilupe Church Of England Primary School. To be found near Hereford Snooker Center on the corner. Its not hard to miss but I spent a few years there, lets see what I was like in year 2 shall we? This is 11 years ago, I was 7 years old, England were cruising to failure in Euro '96 and Take That fans were unaware that there were rumblings of a split imminent.

Francis listens attentively and answers questions with a very mature attitude. His vocabulary is extensive and he has a very advanced ability to express himself orally. His reading is excellent. His writing skills have improved with good spelling and punctuation.

Nope, no change there. Good to know I was orally sound back then.

Francis has an excellent understanding of mathematical concepts and he is able to apply his knowledge in practical situations and to solve problems easily.

Nope, those skills survived 11 years.

Francis has a wide knowledge of the world around him and makes intellegent observations in class discussions. He enjoys doing experiments and interprets information with confidence. He records his findings in an organised and independant way.

Yep, all good here.

Francis has a good understanding of what history means and is able to differentiate between fact and fiction.


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