Friday, March 30, 2007


Not of the fall of man variety but of my attempt to conquer my own attraction to Spectrobes, the Disney attempt at Pokemon.

I failed. Hence the presence in my room of 2 new DS games. Seems like my resistance for Puzzle Quest was also failing. Penny Arcade did that subject proud on Wednesday, go check that comic as it pretty much sums it up. Personally its not doing much for me right now but doubtless that will change over time. Spectrobes I haven't played yet but I will venture into it later on.

The whole passport thing isn't going well incidentally. The Post Office refused to send it off for me so I have to use the debit card mandate to pay for the damn thing.

You Don't Know Jack March 30th 2007
Category: March Milkness
Score: $3,096
Rank: 117th

2 $3,000+ scores in 2 days, but still a sub 100 finish.

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