Monday, March 05, 2007

It Begins

You Don't Know Jack Episode 1
Score: -$8,425
Rank: Last

Well the view from the top was nice while it lasted. The game has now changed.

First we get 2 multiple choice questions with 4 possible answers. 20 seconds for each with cash won for how much time is left if you get it right and removed for a wrong answer.

Then comes Round 3 which should be familiar. The DisOrDat. Same as always, 7 questions winning $250 for a right answer and losing $250 for a wrong one. Any time left from the 30 seconds given is added as a bonus.

Then we get another 3 normal questions.

Then. It becomes time for...


A word will appear on the screen and other words will go flying past, when you see the one that matches then press space, $2,000 is given for a right answer with $2,000 lost for a wrong one. So for example if you saw 'Dentist' then you'd be looking for 'Teeth'.

That concludes the game, as you can see I didn't do very well on my first run through this format. Always tomorrow.

Coming up later will be the start of my Daily Remix project. I'll download one remix a day from the legendary Overclocked Remix and explain why I like it (or otherwise). I'll be starting with the ones I know I love.

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