Tuesday May 29th 2007
Airport 2: Return of the Airport
We had to be out the hotel by midday. So we we'd packed most the stuff the night before and just had to shunt in the last remaining bits before we were ready to go. Nelly went to buy some flowers for the lovely cleaning lady who'd been denied access to our room most of the week while the rest of us relaxed in the lobby. Jess, Jen, Sarah and Audrey stood, George, Cripple, Mark and Liz sat on the chairs and I sat on Cripple (there's a photo of this). A quick check-out later and we got onto the Doubletree shuttle to Toronto Airport to board the plane to Prince Edward Island.
In the departure lounge Jen watched Black Cat on her new DVD player, everyone else sat around chatting and me, George and Cripple played New Super Mario Bros, Tetris and Diddy Kong Racing. Just before boarding me and George nipped off to the nearby Tim Horton's to get a drink and a doughnut.
On board the flight I made sure to defend my boarders as Jess was sitting behind me and was finding great amusement in tickling me from behind. Once I had my coat blocking the openings I settled down to watch the TV, I found Family Feud/Fortunes and then was astonished to find a fairly recent episode of Jungle Run. That kept me happy until the island came into view.
The Charlottetown airport was as small as I'd been told. It also only had 1 baggage car so the carousel kept stopping and starting as the baggage handlers went back for another load. Eventually though we had our bags, I'd met Nelly's mother and several other family members of the group and I was into a car with Sarah, Jess and Jess' auntie to head to their apartment and my home for the next week.
It was a nice place, 2 very cushy sofas, one of which was my bed, a good TV, some Cardcaptors videos, 2 bedrooms, one significantly bigger than the other and a supermarket just across the street. We went to the supermarket fairly quickly.
At the supermarket Jess and Sarah went buying food and various cooking stuffs, it was rare for me to go to a supermarket and not buy anything that went into the microwave. I got myself some cans of lemonade, not really knowing why they had a pull tab around the top of the can.
When we got back that mystery was solved. Turns out the drink had to be diluted with water, something I'd never seen before where canned drinks were concerned. Still it was nice drink and for 2 cans to last me a whole week was something previously unheard of. One of Jess' friends came round after a while so we went to the cinema to watch Pirates of the Carribbean 3. Which was nice.
The bed was a little bumpy, but a combination of my own body positioning and the sheer amount of popcorn I'd eaten got me to sleep eventually. Tomorrow was when the island stuff began properly.
Swag Obtained
Next Time
That Poor Tree
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