Thursday, June 07, 2007

NJ's Canadian Adventure - Day 3

Thursday 24th May 2007
You Spin Me Right Round

Thursday rolled around and now everyone was refreshed and ready for the weekend festivities. First though there was the issue of the largest theme park in the country, Canada's Wonderland.

The split was on from the second the day started. In the end it was just me, Nelly, Mark, Audrey and Jess who went to the park. Liz and Sarah hung back to do the pre-registration for the convention, Cripple and George were too lazy and Jen was doing something but I can't remember what. So with a taxi costing $50 outside we got moving.

Canada's Wonderland is owned by Paramount Studios, so a few of the rides are tied into their films like Tomb Raider, Top Gun and The (fake) Italian Job. There are 65 rides there, 14 of them rollercoasters. We got through about 17 rides and 12 of the coasters, unlike the UK's big cheese of the theme park world Alton Towers the queues were relatively non-existant. Doing 17 rides at Alton would be a miracle, at Wonderland it was an easy task with the average queue time being 10 minutes (if that). One instance of Nelly only just being within one ride's height restriction was hilarious, 2 rides that involved me getting soaked (and I mean properly drenched) were less hilarious for me.

On our way out Audrey and Jess nipped off to the toilet, we didn't find them for another 20 minutes. Eventually we found them walking back from one of the toilets we'd looked in while searching.

Once we got back to the hotel things changed, the pre-reg meant that the usually empty hotel lobby was packed. A short and unsuccessful search for Sarah later and we headed up to the room. The sheer number of cosplayers flooding every part of the hotel had had a major impact on me, I had a breakdown in that hotel room that night. I tried to hold in the actual crying for a long time as for some reason I didn't want to cry in front of Nelly, this would become a bit of a running theme. I couldn't go downstairs for the rest of the night so I just stayed in the room eating pizza and watching TV, sometimes alone and sometimes with Nelly for company. Eventually I pulled myself together and tucked into bed, tomorrow was going to be harder than I thought.

Swag Obtained
Canada's Wonderland fleece
Pink Canada's Wonderland teddy
Anime North weekend badge
Various AN promo stuff


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