Sunday, January 28, 2007


Though the idea of a recap series fills most people with dread, the hardcore fans will always lap it up. In the case of Shuffle Memories I am one of those hardcore fans. Episode 1 dealt with reintroducing the characters and setting up the scene, episode 2 followed the first part of Kaede's story (starting with her downright sadistic treatment of Rin as a child).

But episode 3 was my favourite characters turn. Asa. The green haired girl who ended up getting the guy (an outcome I said on a forum I would bet my life on not happening) and who went from a side character to the best of the lot. This episode covered from her first 'solo' episode (where she was the central focus) where the first seeds of her partnership with Rin were sown to the moments just before the trip to rescue Primula. A lot of ground covered in 21 minutes, some of my favourite and most touching moments appeared in there, part 2 should be excellent. Though it will crossover Kaede's storyline.

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