Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A Message to Forum Mods

As a forum mod myself I feel I have to say this to all forum owners/power hungry moderators. Do you all get a kick out of banning members for no reason? I just headed over to the Hentai Palm forums and found out that I'd been banned. A look at the ban list showed njsykora alongside a number of other names. Most of the time even the asshole mods (you reading Money?) give out a reason for the ban where it isn't clear. I usually read every post I make carefully to make sure it won't offend/upset everyone. I was feeling really happy to be a part of the community there and suddenly Numbus, the guy I credit with getting me into hentai takes that feeling away and leaves me with a bit of a hole inside. Numbus, I've no doubt that your a great guy but at the very least give me credit and explain to me why I was banned. You know how to contact me and if anyone who does have the spamophobe's email reads this please get in contact with him and point him this way. Peace.

What Do You Want To Watch?

Another break from the eh two zee as it's being a bitch. I've finally got digital telly! Loads of channels including the two major anime channels (Toonami and Sci-Fi), the fun to watch (Paramount, Challenge) and the cult ones (price-drop.tv). Here's what I'm making a habit of watching.

Sonic X (Fox Kids)
Megaman NT Warrior (Fox Kids)
Takeshi's Castle (Challenge)
When Games Attack (Bravo)

I'll keep you updated. Later.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The A-Z of My Life: J

J is for JFG

One of the games that changed my life. Jet Force Gemini took over my life in 1998 and I still have the game in my N64 and the poster covering my door. The adventures of Juno, Vela and Lupus have kept me glued to my 3 pronged controller for the 2 years I've had it and I still haven't finished it. Someday I'll do it and you lot will be the first to know about it.

The A-Z of My Life: I

I is for IM

I got connected, I started to chat to my mates and now I can't live without it. I don't have much more to say about instant messenging.

MSN - njsykora@hotmail.com
AIM - njsykora08

The A-Z of My Life: H

Why does H seem so far along the alphabet? Meh.

H is for Hentai

The thing that really annoys me about talking about hentai is that so many people just think of it as a porn substitute and assume that just because you jerk off to cartoons you have something wrong with yourself. Another thing is when people refer to it as anime and I have to explain the difference between the 2. Maybe I should force my mates to read this so they know that these 2 things piss me off. Ranting over and yes I know I covered hentai under B but I didn't fully explain my love for it then (plus nothing else went for H). Like I said earlier my love of hentai started on the (now slowly dying) unmoderated forums of Overclocked Remix. Back then I was but a fledgling online and was still foolishly signing up for the 'free' porn sites which consequently demolished my Hotmail inbox with spam. Then in the late "Post Your Hentai Pics" thread I found a link to Hentai Key and signed up for free membership. For the next few months hentai ruled my life until I finally decided to take control and set some limits. After a few days of hard thinking I finally set my limits and since then I've stuck to them. The 2 rules for me are as follows;

Rule 1: If I really like a certain character I won't get hentai of that character.
This is a rule that my subconsious keeps for me. I just don't feel right when I break this rule.

Rule 2: Anime series' that I follow don't translate to hentai.
This one wasn't made by me straight away. I was happy living with the first one until I broke it and headed for Card Captor Sakura (or Cardcaptors as I know it). Around that time I had a major attatchment to Miss Sakura Avalon (and still do) so I was going on instinct. However the extreme bondage I found left a nasty feeling in my stomach and after a few more minutes browsing the gallery I was in it left a nasty stain on my carpet as the nasty feeling left my stomach (along with everything else). The puke-up lead to this rule.

These really rule over my hentai but I follow it for a number of reasons.
Availability - Free sites are exactly that
People - Artists and webmasters are friendly and always respond to emails, regular porn just doesn't have that interaction
So to summerise this subject hentai is easy to get, everyone involved is friendly and it's a way of establshing self-control (in my opinion). Peace out y'all.

Friday, November 26, 2004

The A-Z of My Life: G

G is for Gaming

Whoa! We're at letter 7/26 already. Gaming is a part of my life. Forget that, gaming is my life. The first video game I ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog on the Master System and the first one I ever finished was Sonic 2 on the same console. Since then my console timeline goes;

Master System
Mega Drive
Game Boy Pocket
Game Boy Color
Game Boy Advance

I've played over 400 games and finished a large number of them. A select few get the 100% treatment like Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64. Games have changed my life and those have letters to themselves. You'll see them when they crop up.

Blogging's Cool

Taking a break from the A-Z for a bit to bring you a few notes of recent developments. This quote is one of them;

"The 10 Coolest Things to do on a Friday Night

1 - Blog"

In female character from cartoon/comic/game becomes unbearably attractive news the following have been added to my (scarily big) list.

Sailor Mars (took long enough eh)

Harmony (Sore Thumbs)
Aeris (VG Cats)
Kara (Penny Arcade)

Tangier (Red Faction 2)
Akari Hayami (1080 Avalanche)

Good news for those people who follow wherever my reviews go. You've followed me past PaletteSwap.com, IfritRoms.com but now the journey is at an end (for now). Check out The Reviews of njsykora @ http://njreview.blogspot.com and learn what's good.

Finally in this news I have to announce that I've become obsessed with the Atari ST. If you happen to have one that you'd 'donate' to me then I'll be happy to hear from you. Peace guys.

http://www.penny-arcade.com (Penny Arcade)
http://www.sorethumbsonline.com (Sore Thumbs)
http://www.vgcats.com (VG Cats)
http://www.nme.com (NME)

The A-Z of My Life: F

F is for Firefox

Yes people the Fox is my F. After using the Google toolbar for a bit and enjoying the pop-up blocking I ended up on the recieving end of a barrage of emails from OC Remix forum members and Firefox users. They pointed me to the current release (0.7) which I downloaded, installed and loved from the off. Since then I've only ever used IE to redownload Ff after a system crash. The only problems I had with Ff were with the profile manager but since v1.0 that seems to have been sorted. It truly is the perfect browser and I encourage anyone reading this blog to nip over to the foundation's site and get it. Come on guys, Take Back the Web.

http://www.getfirefox.com (go get it)
http://www.spreadfirefox.com (spread the word)
http://www.mozilla.org (the foundation)
http://www.defendingthefox.com (some sites don't work in Ff, find out where to avoid here)

The A-Z of My Life: E

E is for Emulation

Scourge of the gaming industry (apparently) but I've always enjoyed the extra benefits that emulation can bring. Without it I would never have played games like Chrono Trigger and Shining Force. I first got into emulation through my mate Oli who'd come across the Mega Drive (Genesis) emulator DGen. Once I hit the net at home I explored emulation a lot more and discovered more. So what do I use for emulation?

Mega Drive - Kega (switched from DGen pretty quickly but also use Gens)
Snes - ZSnes (accept no substitute)
GBA - Visual Boy Advance (I use Rascal Boy for multiplayer though)
PSX - ePSXe (pain in the ass at first but I got used to it)
Atari ST - STeem (only retro console I feel comfortable with)
Nintendo 64 - 1964 (defected from PJ64)

For emulators I go to Zophar's Domain and for roms I usually use IfritRoms.com which I co-admin. In the past I've used Emuparadise before it became spyware central and Emumaniacs before I learnt the problems with leeching. There's lots of games I've discovered with emulation and I'll bet that there's plenty more.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

The A-Z of My Life: D


D is for DDR

In a way I could have had Bemani as a whole as B as I also enjoy a few other music games but DDR was a game that changed my life. It started when I checked out a game called Dancing Stage Euromix in Bowness, Lake District. I'd known about dancing games before that but EM1 was the game that kicked it off for me. After that I searched my homelands for machines but couldn't find any. I heard of a flash game known as Flash Flash Revolution. I hung around there for a while but left (it was crap). Then this year I discovered Stepmania. The DDR simulator became an obsession but after numerous problems with this unstable sim I changed to a sim I'd used before but given up as I couldn't find simfiles, Dance With Intensity. The effect was instant and after a few months I'd accumulated over 700 simfiles (not bad for a dialup connection). After my last computer crash I had to revert to Stepmania and the 200-odd files I had backed up. I'm now waiting for DWI3 when I'll continue to collect as the file-limit is being removed. DDR is in my blood now, it ain't going away anytime soon.

http://www.flashflashrevolution.com (FFR)
http://www.stepmania.com (Stepmania)
http://dwi.ddruk.com (DWI)
http://www.bemanistyle.com (My bemani bible)
http://www.ddruk.com (My homeland's own DDR page)

As this is going to be my last post today I'd like to take this chance to wish all those celebrating it a happy thanksgiving. Peace y'all.

The A-Z of My Life: C

C is for Cats

All my life I've lived with at least one cat and they have rapidly become my favourite animals. My family have taken in homeless cats from the Cats Protection League, the RSPCA and from local vets as well as strays found wandering the streets. Over these years I've seen cats go missing and die at all ages. Here's a list (from memory) of the cats I've lived with.

Charlie - A legend in the family and more friendly than any human (dead - cancer aged 7)
Edgar - Petrified of everything (dead - put down aged 9)
Harry - Also scared of most things (missing - thought to now be living with new owners)
Samson - Tiny and cuddly (dead - cancer aged 4)
Cilla - Allergic to fleas and always losing fur (missing presumed dead)
Thomas - Scared of anyone he doesn't know after being mistreated as a kitten (alive)
Jerry - Outdoor cat who vanishes in summer and returns for winter (alive)
Gizmo - Fat furball who only moves if he has to (alive)
Lucy - Affectionate but sometimes annoying due to clingy nature (alive)
Ebony - My disease ridden black cat who's greatful for what she gets (alive, god knows how)
Jack - Lively black kitten (dead - hit by dickhead neighbour in his car aged 1)

Don't think I missed anyone. With that many you can see how cats are a part of my life now and will probably always be.

The A-Z of My Life: B

B is for Bashing the Bishop

So masturbating takes up more of my life than it should. In the first OC Remix masturbation marathon I came (quiet) sixth. I get all my porn for free over either p2p or a free hentai network. Since I first saw hentai I've been hooked and I've been a devotee for about 8 months now. IMO there is only one true free network as the one I use has never sent me spam or secretly charged me. No credit card, just an email was needed and I've had access to the network's 10k sites (and growing) ever since.

Questions I've Been Asked
Will I sign up to a pay site once I get a credit card?
Only H-Key's GT section.

Would my life have been the same without hentai?
Yes, I'd wank a lot less.

What got me into hentai?
The Unmod forums on OCR.

Monday, November 22, 2004

The A-Z of My Life: A

I'll start this so you can see how fucked up I am.

A is for Anime

Pokemon started it back in 1997 and since then I've tried to keep up with everything but a combination of being skint and a severe lack of material released in the UK has prevented this from happening. Both situations are getting better though so the next few years should be good.

Blogger Code

B3 d- t- k s- u-- f- i o++ x e+ l+ c
Cool huh?
Copy-Paste it into this site and see how cool I am.
You can also get your own code there.

Monday, November 15, 2004

I am a Master (and NaNoWriMo week 3)

I've done it. I have completed Ocarina of Time: Master Quest and proved my mastery of that game. I rule.

Also in news today, shit I have 12k words and it's week 3. Normally for me 12k in 15 days is a miracle but now it puts me in trouble. I need 38k words in the next 15 days.

Monday, November 08, 2004

NaNoWriMo 2004 - Week 2

Well well, it's been a while since I last posted here but I just wanted to get away from NaNo writing for a bit. It's now week 2 and as well as NaNo I have to think about Firefox 1.0 (tomorrow!!) and taking back the web. Anyhoo, nearly 7000/50000 words. It's going well but this is the hardest week according to those who've done it for a few years. Peace y'all.